Fort Wayne, Indiana Executive Search

We are an executive search firm that specializes in finding exceptional leaders for our clients. We work with clients throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe to identify and recruit high-level executives for positions with a variety of industries. We’ve worked with some of the most successful companies in the world, including Fortune 500 companies.

Our mission is to help our clients identify and hire the best talent in the world by providing them with access to a deep pool of candidates that are vetted thoroughly before being presented to our clients. The process starts with us learning about your organization and what type of individual would be suitable for your open position. From there we use our network of trusted contacts to find individuals who fit the bill perfectly, then we arrange interviews that allow candidates to showcase their skills and personalities so they can prove they are perfect fits for your organization. If you have an open position available but haven’t found anyone yet, give us a call today!

Providing discreet executive search & staffing solutions to discerning companies and non-profits 

Source the Best Talent for Your Fort Wayne, Indiana Company

If you are looking for the best talent in Fort Wayne, Indiana, look no further. Fort Wayne Executive Search is here to help you with your executive search needs. We have a team of experienced recruiters who understand the local market and will be able to find you the best candidates for your open positions.

Our recruiters have been trained to identify top talent and then present them to you in a professional manner. We will work with you to develop a strategy that meets your needs and then execute it efficiently.

Fort Wayne Executive Search has extensive experience recruiting executives for companies of all sizes across many industries including healthcare, manufacturing, technology and more. If you need help finding qualified candidates for your open jobs then give us a call today!

business process improvement manager

We Find Candidates With The Right Skill Set For Your Positions

If you are looking to hire a new employee, you want to make sure that the person you hire is the best fit for the position. You also want to know that they will be able to perform their job duties well and for an extended period of time.

That is why it’s important for you to have an executive search firm on your side. At, we have been helping area businesses find candidates with the right skill set for their positions for years. Our team of professional recruiters has extensive knowledge of the local market and can help find candidates who are suited for your open positions.

We Provide Onsite Testing Options

At, we understand how important it is to create a successful team for our clients. Our goal is to make sure that we have the right people in place in order to make this happen.

Our team of experts will work with you to find the best candidates for your business needs. We offer an extensive range of onsite testing options that can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. This includes:

Assessments: Assessments can be used as part of any recruitment process, including initial screening and candidate assessment, as well as other areas such as training and development. We offer a range of assessments that are designed to help measure a candidate’s suitability for a role based upon their skills, abilities, knowledge and experience. These include personality tests and cognitive ability tests such as IQ tests or aptitude tests.

Psychological Tests: Psychological tests are used to evaluate various aspects of an individual’s personality traits and behaviour patterns. The results will provide you with valuable insight into whether they are suitable for the role or not. A psychological evaluation will also help determine mental health issues such as depression or anxiety so that appropriate support can be offered if needed.

We Ensure That All Applicants Meet Federal Requirements for Employment

At, we are committed to ensuring that all applicants meet the federal requirements for employment. To this end, we use a third-party background screening service to ensure that all applicants have a valid driver’s license and social security number.

We also conduct extensive reference checks, including criminal background checks and credit checks. These steps help us determine if an individual is legally eligible for employment in the United States and if they are likely to perform well at the job before we extend offers of employment to them.

The following additional steps may be required by some positions:

Drug Screening – If a position requires drug screening, it will be performed as part of our hiring process. This may include pre-employment drug testing as well as random drug testing after being hired.

Credit Check – A credit check may be conducted on employees who have access to sensitive information or who handle money in their jobs (e.g., accountants). Credit checks are done only after making an offer of employment and at no extra cost to applicants or employees.

The Right People Make the Difference

Our process ensures that you only work with top talent who are ready to make an immediate impact on your organization. Our team works hard to ensure that you get results from your search – whether it’s filling an open position or identifying future leaders for your organization.

We feel honored when we hear from clients how much they value our service and appreciate our efforts on their behalf. We look forward to working with you!

strategic leadership

Aligned Incentives

Our contingency-based services deliver qualified candidates to some of your most pressing and important open positions. In doing so, we align incentives structures, ensuring a compensation structure based on merit and completion of placement objectives.

Salt Lake City, Utah Executive Search (salt lake city,park city)

How Our Executive Search Services Are Different

Experienced Operators

We speak the language of the C-suite, giving us a competitive advantage in how we source, court and close your open positions. We have sat in the executive chair, but we are also experts in filling the large shoes that are so critical for your organization.

Customer Satisfaction

With over a decade sourcing candidates for some of the most lucrative available positions at the C-level, we hold an unparalleled customer satisfaction rating among our clientele who regularly return again and again.

People Over Profits

Business is all about people. We build bridges of understanding by delivering expert results for our clients again and again. The future of our business is dependent on our relationships, which we hold in the highest regard.

Why Outsource Executive Search?

Confidentiality when sourcing top executive talent is almost always non-negotiable. We act as the buffer between candidates, competitors and your company. 

While internal recruiters can be effective, the expanded experience of an extended team with decades of combined experience can be invaluable to your executive search team. 

The supply of the highest level executive talent is often obscured and more difficult to find. Our team helps provide scale and scope for finding the absolute best candidate. 

Many hands make light work. Our clients are able to source and close their top-level positions more than 40% faster by engaging with our executive search team. 

source candidates

Why We Have Repeat Customers

“We have worked with the team at on numerous director, VP and C-level placements. Their professionalism is impeccable, their communication is stellar and the quality of the candidates they source is the best we have seen. It’s the main reason we use them exclusively for our outside talent search.”

Chuck G.

Mid-market Executive

“Thanks to Ryan and all the team for truly delivering on their promises on our need for a new CEO. We were between a rock and a hard place and the speed, efficiency and quality of the candidates they sourced allowed us to find the right individual within just a couple of weeks!”

James R.

Mid-market Executive

“This process with has always been phenomenal. They have a very tight and controlled internal system that has impressed us enough that we use them for every talent sourcing need above the director level. Would highly recommend the team. “

Sandra W.

Mid-market Executive

Frequently asked questions

Our team has served at the executive level for organizations, but we have been sourcing executives for clients since 2010. 

No. We align our incentives with your incentives by taking on engagements that are contingency only on an exclusive basis. 

Ready to start your Fort Wayne, Indiana Executive Search?